Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Rocket Tree

My absolute best childhood memories are from the summers spent at my grandmother's house in High Point, MS (near Louisville). We called her Maw-Maw and I miss her all the time. She passed away a couple of weeks after her 95th birthday a few years ago. She had this wonderful house out in the country. When she needed to go shopping, we literally had to "go to town". We spent most of our time either on the front porch or in the backyard.

In the backyard was the most wonderful climbing tree EVER! The branches split out low to the ground and had strong branches that split out starting low so we were all (there are 4 of us) able to climb the tree at the same time. We used to call it the Rocket Tree because we would all climb in, take our positions and pretend that we were in a space rocket flying to the moon. I think this is going to be my next painting project. Unfortunately, this is the only photo I have of the Rocket Tree and it's not super clear. But I think I'll be able to muddle through.
I think I'll start on it today!

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